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    Popup Window in Javascript Parameters

You should specify the following parameters within data-deluxe-popup-window.js file.

winID:'win', Window ID.
winContent:'obj_id1', Type of window content: Iframe(url); Object_id; text(html content).
title:'Window title', Your popup window in javascript title.
openAfter:20, Open after time (secs).
onePerSession, Open window one per session: false (default), true.
onMouseOver=id1, Id of object that is to be pointed at in order to open the window.
onMouseOut=id2, Id of object that is to be mouse moved out in order to open the window.
onClick=id3, Id of object that is to be clicked at in order to open the popup window in javascript.
closeAfter=180, Close after time (secs).
  Size and position
width=250, Width of the window in px.
It's recommended to assign a precise value to this parameter.
height=150, Height of the window in px.
It's recommended to assign a precise value to this parameter.
vAlign=middle, Vertical align.
Values: "top", "middle", "bottom", "custom" (Y coordinate of a top-left corner of the window).
hAlign=center, Horizontal align.
Values: "left", "center", "right", "custom" (X coordinate of a top-left corner of the window).
fullscreen=yes, Maximize window on full screen: yes(default), no.
minimizable=yes, Popup window in javascript can be minimized: yes(default), no.
closable=yes, Window can be closed: yes(default), no.
resizable=yes, Window can be resized: yes(default), no.
scrollbars=yes, Window has scrollbars: no(default), yes.
moveEffect=top, Popup window in javascript is sliding out from the given position.
Values: "top", "left", "middle", "bottom".
fadeEffect=0, DHTML fading effect, where a window's opacity changes smoothly from one minimum value to a maximum value and back: 0(default), 1.
opacity=80, Transparency in % (1 - 100).
floatable=yes, When a page is scrolled the popup window in javascript remains visible: yes(default), no.

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Javascript Ajax Popup Supported Browsers   |  Popup Window in Javascript Parameters     
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