Easy fast and intuitive website builder software tool for creating great looking mobile-friendly bootstrap modal form, dialogs, windows, alerts, iframes.
Inexperienced user in need of a web page, web developers looking to expand their arsenal with a fast bootstrap tool.
Easy friendly interface, great looking web pages, lots of capabilities.
Available equivalent builds for both Mac and windows and currently developing the best popup builder for Android.
The technology behind the web pages created with Mobirise make them easy for the indexing machines to read and add to their databases.
The pages Mobirise created use the latest fourth version of the Bootstrap framework freshly released this year. It's responsive, so your site will pass a mobile friendly test.
The whole process happens entirely offline – the internet connection is needed only for uploading the projects to a server (view this github pages tutorial) and updating the app’s elements.
Each lock has its own control panel taking care of all the essential features like background and arrangement of the elements.
The whole site can gain entirely different appearance with just a few clicks in the style bootstrap theme builder changer, altering the vision globally.
Useful additional elements can be added to the main Mobirise application in order to expand its capabilities even further according to the particular user’s needs.
We keep track of the latest trends in web design and reflect them in the great blocks in the Mobirise library.
The parallax scrolling feature of the image background of any block can be easily switched on or off from the control panel – it gets instantly applied.
Multiple useful layouts and convenient integration of the google maps service with setting up narrowed to just entering the address or the coordinated of the placemat needed to display.
Instant social sharing feature over the most popular social networks with no extra user actions required except including the share block in the page.
Flexible convenient way to present user’s or client’s feedbacks. Predefined layouts for long and short quotes with multiple styling options.
Switchable predefined alert the cookies are being used by the site with adjustable content and discreet popup bootstrap appearance not bothering the visitors at all.
Simple and fast way to integrate one or multiple tracks from one of the most popular music platforms with just a few clicks.
Switchable useful floating button automatically appearing when the site’s been scrolled down helps the visitors find their way up briefly.
Any YouTube html video can be a background for a block by just pasting the YouTube sharing link in the control panel. Dimming the background is also available with a semi-transparent color to stop it from interfering with the text above.
The media placeholders also support vector images in order to make the site even lighter, faster and better looking at any screen size possible.
To expand the bootstrap photo gallery’s capability further instant filtering function by tag has been added and each bootstrap popup window gallery item can have its own caption and link.
Built-in form handling solution narrows down setting up the predefined forms to just entering the address submissions should arrive to. Custom from handling solutions and redirects are also supported.
On small devices, the responsive menu element transforms to better serve the visitor’s needs and expands again if the width of the screen is wide enough to handle it.
The navigation element is set to be the same all over the pages so editing one link at a certain page changes it all over the project. The footer element has the same behavior.
If the site structure requires it, multiple sub-levels of links can be added to the navigation elements utilizing the built-in drop down bootstrap menu functionality.
Create mobile-friendly sites for free!
Gives unlimited access to all the code library beneath all the blocks but also might keep the convenient inline editing and control panel features by just adding powerful styling code to a block.
Animated backgrounds, collapsible elements and tags, appealing captions transforming live on your page like someone’s typing, countdowns, progress bars, bootstrap popup modal, tabs and even a fully functional store with categories, featured products and a price slider displaying the single products in a pop-up modals – pretty much everything one might ever need to create like a pro without touching a line of code.
With full size and color they can be inserted into any button media placeholder or right inline the text content. Free iconfont is available if you don't want to purchase it, but still want to use it.
In addition to the predefined bootstrap carousel combinations, thousands of unique ones can be created just experimenting with all the powerful options available.
Buttons, Images or simple text links can become parts of boutique crafted online store with layout and appearance like no other. The cart element itself is fully customizable in order to fit in appearance any site’s vision.
Beside free bootstrap templates, there are also premium themes available. The unique way it’s been created gives the power of changing its pages entirely with just a few clicks in the Styles panel fitting any already set identity almost perfectly.
PurityM is the best bootstrap 4 theme for your personal page or a blog where you can share your thoughts or visions with the world.
The fresh over zoomed approach makes it best for targeting open minded people enjoying the life but also ones having issues with regular size of content in web pages. It’s great for any purpose but maybe perfect for cases requiring all the audience’s attention from the very first glance.
Along with the extra control options one gets to use entirely new trendy layouts to take the no coding web page creation to the very next level. If you’re seeking the shape of the idea for your future sites appearance DirectM is the perfect point to start from shaping it along the way leveraging the great design options to help you shape up your ideas.
Easy and fun like a play, you can start creating immediately and learn all the little tricks along the way. Select the theme you think might best fit your initial idea and follow the big red arrow pointing you to the button expanding the blocks palette. Start deranging out blocks immediately and give shape to your site knowing you can reorder them at any time by just dragging them around. Each block has a few controls of its own – the Gear is for settings (this is used universally in Mobirise) and the download button saves the block to your user library to aid you not setting up one blocks twice the same way. Use the arrows button as a handle to drag your blocks to the best position. Above the site taking shape, you’ll find the view switches to help you keep track of how different screens show up your project and the preview and publish buttons to generate and export your site when and wherever you want. Finally, there are the style changer next to the blocks plus button to help you style the project entirely and the Main menu hamburger button giving you access to your projects, pages, and extensions.
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